Your personal insurance program can be your biggest investment you make to protect your financial future. If you have the improper insurance program it could be costly in the event of a catastrophic loss!
Your personal property can be your largest asset. It is important to make sure those assets are properly covered in case of a loss. At My Florida Insurance, we want to be the insurance agency that handles all of your personal assets so you have one person looking over what is most important to you. This allows you to have peace of mind knowing that one agency understands all elements of your personal risk.
We are an independent agency meaning we work for you, not an insurance company!
The team at My Florida Insurance is nothing less than spectacular. They address your needs and provide the most up to date recommendations. Highly recommend them for your home, auto and life insurance needs. You will be not be disappointed guaranteed.
I can’t say enough good things about Jennifer and her team. They always take the time to review my policies, without me even asking, to make sure I’m getting the best premium with the best coverage at each renewal. Thank you so much to Jennifer and Sarah for your help. Your team is very professional and always provides excellent service. I highly recommend My Florida Insurance for all of your insurance needs.
I highly recommend Jen and her entire time. They always provide exceptional service and strive to find the best policy for the best price. I will continue to use My Florida Insurance for all my insurance needs.
I can’t say enough about the positive experience I have had with Jen and the other agents at My Florida Insurance. They were recommended by a family member about 3 years ago. They have assisted me with both my home owners and auto insurance. The personal attention and professionalism has been amazing. I highly recommend them for your insurance needs.
My insurance agent Amanda Boge always researches for the best insurance coverage, and provides us options to fit our specific needs. Our recent home purchase and vehicle transfer was made without a hitch and saved us significant money compared to other insurance quotes. Amanda is thorough and we couldn’t ask for a better agent.